Tuesday 20 May 2014

Cracked Heels Natural Cures and Home Remedies

Cracks on the human heels are quite common due to dryness of the skin that must be checked in the start itself otherwise it may cause complications at the later stages. Many people that do not care for the minor cracks on their feet suffer from bleeding problems, particularly on their heels. Problems related to use of apt footwear are also seen as many people find it difficult to use the shoes or sandals of their own choice because of the cracked heels. They are advised to follow the following home remedies / natural treatments to get rid of the cracks on the heels. 

a.     Oils – Any person suffering from dryness of the skin can get sufficient relief by applying the vegetable oil on the affected portion. This will save him or her from the possible cracks on the heels that result in great pains or bleeding. It is recommended that sesame oil or vegetable oil is applied after cleaning and drying up the feet properly prior to its use. Use of thick socks is recommended that must be worn during the night and the feet should be washed clearly in the morning. The process must be repeated for few days to get total relief from the cracked heels. 

b.    Use of lemon juice and Vaseline also gives best results to cure the cracked heels in an even manner. The feet must be cleaned properly and dust should be removed before applying these remedial ingredients. The patients should soak their feet in warm water for a considerable time and dry up the same before going in for these natural medicines that should penetrate deeply into the affected parts of the feet. Mixing rose water and salt also gives much relief from cracks. 

c.     The cracked-heel patients should apply the pulp of the ripe banana on the cracked parts and the same should remain there for about ten minutes. Blend of avocado and coconut flesh is also quite effective to get rid of cracked heels that should be soaked in warm water by mixing some honey. A paste of these ingredients also gives relief from the cracks. 

d.    Take some coconut or mustard oil and mix a small quantity of paraffin wax in it. Put the mixture on fire and let the wax melted fully and cool it down completely. The mixture should be applied on the affected parts Use of thick socks while sleeping and washing the feet the next morning gives best results. 

e.     Pure olive oil is the best treatment for the cracked heels by messaging the same and keep the feet covered with thick socks; followed by washing them after about one hour. Same is true with the paste of jojoba oil and powdered oatmeal to get relief from the cracked heels. 

f.      A good mixture of almond / olive oil apple cider vinegar and some honey applied evenly on the cracked heels relieves the patients from cracks on the heels. They are advised to soak the feet in warm water before applying this natural home remedy. The feet must be dried up completely. 

g.     Persons suffering from cracked heels are advised to use the scrub by using the rice flour that provides relief from the cracks on the feet. Sweet almond oil or olive oil may be mixed evenly to the rice flour. Soaking the cracked feet in warm water prior to applying the paste gives best results. The cracked parts of the feet must be scrubbed with the paste and the dead layer of the skin should be removed from the feet.  

Undoubtedly, the above home remedies for the cracked heels have become the preferred choice of millions of sufferers across the globe.